The Best Is Yet To Come
We pick up this morning right in the middle of a letter Paul wrote to the people of Rome. Romans is known as the Gospel of God because Paul is writing to pagans in Rome of the God of Israel who is also the God of the Gentiles. Paul discusses the trouble between doing what comes natural to us and what Jesus wants us to do and how we can overcome our natural ungodly desires. Because we have been given the Holy Spirit we can have victory in this life by living a life that is lead by His Spirit and being a Child of God. Which if we are children of God, then we are heirs along WITH Christ the Son of God wrapping up (v. 17) NKJV
“… heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” This is why God has put this on my heart for us this morning, to remind us of what has been promised about our us past help for our current circumstances and the future that awaits us.