this is your church

Tour of Faith

Take the pilgrimage to Israel
Our Israel trips are not for scholars, but for followers. It’s a pilgrimage laid out to help you encounter God. It’s historical, it’s spiritual, and it’s even a cultural look into the Jewish way of life. Without question, this trip will change the way you read and understand the Bible!

No Greater Love Media

Radio Outreach Ministry
No Greater Love is the radio ministry of Pastor Jeff on 89.7FM GraceFM. Tune in weekdays at 10:30am to hear the latest message or check out the No Greater Love Podcast.

Next Steps

Small Group Discipleship
Next Steps 1.0 & 2.0 are integral steps in becoming rooted at Westminster Calvary. They're designed as four week discipleship classes focusing on the foundation of our faith, the culture of our church, and preparing you to serve with one mission in mind - making disciples.

Love for a Lifetime

Calvary Marriage Retreats
Love for a Lifetime marriage retreats are committed to helping spouses rekindle, reconnect and renew their focus on a holy, God-centered marriage. Whether you’ve been married for a day or 50 years - the Lord wants to revitalize your marriage. See what God has in store for you.

His Beloved

Women's Ministry
His Beloved Women’s ministry is a place for the women of God to connect with one another, do life with one another and support one another through the different seasons and challenges of life.

Calvary Men

Men's Ministry
Men’s ministry is a place for the men of God to connect and share life with one another. Bearing one another’s burdens and supporting each other’s arms through the different seasons of life.

On Fire

Young Adults Ministry
On Fire Young Adults is a place for those ages 18 - 35 to connect with other like minded believers who are walking the same seasons of life.
Meets monthly - see events for details


Sr-High Ministry
Ablaze Senior High is a place for high schoolers to come and get connected with other students their age.  Learning the word of God through an interactive bible study, games, events and more. The Ablaze Senior High team is passionate about helping the teens get connected with one another all while serving the body of Christ.


Jr-High Ministry
Ignite Junior High is a place for middle schoolers to help transition them from kids ministry to the senior high ministry. The Ignite Junior High team is committed to teaching the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter through an interactive bible study, games and more.


Children's Ministry
Embers Kids Ministry is a place for your child to come and learn about God at an age appropriate level. Our passion is to show them the heart of Our Father through Bible lessons and fun!

Wednesdays: 6:30pm (Ages 2-8)
Sundays: 10:00am (Ages 0-11)