I'm Glad I Don't Look Like That!

Sep 4, 2018    Jeff Cramer    Navigating The Christian Life

So the first wave of this powerful conversation was in the vein of what is theologically called: “Judicial Abandonment.” Maybe you and I would call it tough-love. In essence, when God turns people over to impurity, It’s all about redemption!
(1:24) “He gave them up to uncleanness…”
(1:26) “He gave them up to vile passion…”
(1:28) “He gave them over to a debased mind…”
People get stuck in the vices of sin because its an external demonstration of how the heart has rejected God, and God lets them go their way – “Judicial Abandonment.” Charles Swindoll said this: “Rather than enabling the drug addict, by providing a hot shower & soft bed, the Lord leaves [this person] in the gutter to lie in a pool of his own filth, until he decides he wants better.” Biblically, think about the prodigal son, it’s the same concept! (Nothing changed until he chose differently). This is the real struggle in America (our culture) the younger the generations systematically reject God, because they’ve being taught the Bible is a myth. Which has left them with no universal morality (No bearing of right & wrong).