Transforming Grace
Romans has been called “The Gospel According to Grace” because it’s a book of inspiration & renewal!
However, in the first three chapters Paul lays bare the need for the Gospel of grace because all are guilty!
The secular man = Living a life as though God doesn’t exist!
The self-righteous man = I’m ok, I’ll take my chances!
The hypocritical religious man = I was raised with God!
Now, as we put into practice use the New Testament, let’s understand at a high-level the reason for the different books.
The N.T. can be broken into 4-major blocks:
It starts with the Gospels which present the life & work of Jesus Christ!
Followed by the book of Acts…
Revealing the History of the early Church & work of the Holy Spirit.
Next, Romans & the Epistles covering both doctrine & Christian living!
Finally, Revelation which is the forth-telling of what’s to come through the unveiling of Jesus Christ’s rule & reign on earth.