Leadership Selection Pt. 2

Jan 27, 2022    Jeff Cramer

On the first leg we learned about Elders in the local church and the role they play to build up the body of believers. They are Model Christian for others to follow.
Their inner life…
Their home life…
Their church life…
And their community life.

Today on the second leg… we discover Deacons in the local church. Deacon = One by virtue of office assigned to him, cares for the poor; he has charge of & distributes money collected for their use; deacons are seen as the proverbial headwaiters, who supervise ministry and serve where the need is. Deacons have:
-Authority – been commissioned.
-Responsibility – to care for other & distribute funds to the needy.
-Wisdom – skilled in the management of business affairs.
-Good reputation – long standing good name.