I Believe In You

Sep 16, 2021    Jeff Cramer

In our time, “The pastor is expected to be a walking encyclopedia of Bible knowledge, an expert on all the latest theological trends, a flawless public speaker, an inspiring executive leader, a servant-hearted shepherd, a gifted counselor, an authority on children and youth, and a caretaker of the aged, sick, dying, and grieving – as well as a dedicated husband and a faithful family man!” (Charles Swindoll, Living Insights, 2014)
First Timothy is an Epistle that strips away the cultural expectations and lays bare what the Lord expects from:
- The pastor
- Individual people in the church
- And the congregation as a whole

Please understand, that according to (Eph. 4:12) NKJV, the purpose of the church is to edify / equip / & build-up the saints FOR the work of ministry! It’s NOT to evangelize the world.