Bearing Fruit in Old Age

Jul 16, 2024

As we continue our study through Genesis, today we find ourselves in chapter 27. Isaac, now old and blind, wishes to bless his oldest son, Esau, before he dies. He sends Esau to hunt and prepare a meal. Meanwhile, Rebekah overhears and devises a plan for Jacob, her favorite son, to receive the blessing instead. She prepares a meal and dresses Jacob in Esau's clothes, even covering his hands and neck with goat skins to mimic Esau's hairy skin. In the end, we get a glimpse into a divided household filled with lying, bitterness, deception, & lapses of faith - and this was the chosen family of God! These issues always lead to broken relationships resentment & division. However, despite human schemes and flaws, God's plans prevail!