How Will You Respond

Oct 21, 2021    Jeff Cramer

Tonight we explore the fourth set of building blocks which begins to cover two areas of pastoral ministry:

1)Establishing the church
2)Maintaining church order

In (vv. 1-7) we’re looking at prayer which frees people to respond the Gospel message and establishes the Church.

A.W. TOZER – God Tells the Man Who Cares (Chp. #13)

“… Prayer is the first lesson the preacher must learn, if he is to preach fruitfully. Yet, prayer is the hardest thing he will ever be called upon to do, and being human, it is the one act he will be tempted to do less frequently than any other. He must set his heart to conquer by prayer, and that will mean he must first conquer his own flesh. For it is the flesh that hinders his prayers.”