In The Beginning

Jun 28, 2023    Jeff Cramer

As we open our Bibles we’re going to cover 2,000 years of history between (Gen. 1 – 11). As we navigate these scriptures, please remember we’re NOT covering every event we’re only getting a high-level survey of the Bible. As I mentioned last week, if we break down the first eleven chapters, here’s what we get:


I.        Creation (Gen. 1-2)

II.       Fall of man into sin (Gen. 3)

III.      Earth being populated & the effects of sin spread (Gen. 4-5)

IV.     God floods and destroys the earth (Gen. 6 - 8)

V.      Noah’s Family / Human Government / dispersion at Babel (Gen. 9-11).


Remember, we learned last week that the Bible is organized into dispensations.