- Y O U ' R E I N V I T E D -
Come as you are...
Service Style
Feel free to come just as you are… Most come in casual wear like jeans and tee-shirts, but others prefer a more formal, traditional look. Either way is appropriate as long as you’re comfortable. We offer breakfast in the cafe on a weekly basis so plan to spend time before and after service to fellowship, meet new people and build strong relationships.
Each service will be roughly one hour. Pastor Jeff will be teaching a gospel driven message and the worship team at Calvary will be leading with a good mix of contemporary songs remembering and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Children's Ministry will be open for both services so your kiddos can be taught the gospel at their age level.
First time family? Click below to register for Children's Ministry!
- E A S T E R S E R V I C E T I M E S -
Friday, April 18th
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Good Friday service
Good Friday service
Sunday, April 20th
8:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
- W H E R E W E M E E T -
On the north-east corner of Wadsworth Pkwy & Church Ranch Blvd
10138 Wadsworth Pkwy #1000
Westminster, CO 80031
Westminster, CO 80031